Title: Generating Awareness for Different Therapeutic Diets in Rural Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh: Application of Difference in Differences Method
Abstract:Non communicable diseases are the major issues which needs to be identified in terms of prevalence, health hazards, lifestyle change, unbalanced diet, physical disparity, physiological and mental chan...Non communicable diseases are the major issues which needs to be identified in terms of prevalence, health hazards, lifestyle change, unbalanced diet, physical disparity, physiological and mental changes and unawareness etc.This has resulted into the adverse effect on human health.Incidences of hypertension, type II diabetes, osteoporosis and gout/ arthiritis have been elevated by 18.2 per cent since last decade in India.The study was conducted to precisely estimate the effect of trainings imparted to 100 rural women with respect to different parameters of environment, different non communicable diseases and therapeutic diets with respect to them.The methodology used in finding out the output was "difference in differences" method.For the purpose 100 women farmers were also sampled as control group.The study is considered as random controlled trial.The pre training mean score of treatment (PrTMS-T) group on their overall awareness about different parameters of environment, therapeutic diets, different ailments and there dietary management was 1.18 which increased to 1.88 in post-training survey (PoTMS-T) and it was found to be very effective with mean score of main effect of training (MSMET) 0.74 over control.It was concluded from the study that well defined training programmes shall definitely bring a major transformation in awareness level of rural women.Moreover, the methodology used also got validated in the study which opened a new option for the extension researchers to precisely estimate the effect of any planned intervention.Read More