Title: Design of Extreme Learning Machine based LFC for Three Area Interconnected Power System
Abstract:This paper presents a novel extreme learning machine neural network for the Load Frequency Control of the interconnected system.There will be variance in the frequency from the reference value when th...This paper presents a novel extreme learning machine neural network for the Load Frequency Control of the interconnected system.There will be variance in the frequency from the reference value when there is a difference between active power generation and load demand.Significant disturbances contributing to frequency fluctuations beyond the acceptable limits are changes in load demand and faults etc. Initially PID based LFC which is a traditional controller is used to bring back the frequency differences when a disturbance occurs.But these conventional controllers will only operate certain operating points, are very slow and, for nonlinear systems, less efficient.Artificial intelligent controllers such as neural network controllers trained by ELM and BPNN algorithms are designed to avoid vulnerabilities in the conventional controller.The test system can be considered as a three, two and single area systems.All test systems' response is observed with and without PI, BPNN, and ELM neural network controllers.The ELM neural network controller is outperforming in damping the frequency variance due to the disturbances.Read More