Title: The Garden City concept: From theory to implementation: Case study: Professors' Colony in Belgrade
Abstract:This paper presents a part of the town-planning history of the capital of Serbia - Belgrade. The subject of the research* is the analysis of the application of Ebenezer Howard's Garden City Concept in...This paper presents a part of the town-planning history of the capital of Serbia - Belgrade. The subject of the research* is the analysis of the application of Ebenezer Howard's Garden City Concept in Belgrade in the third decade of the twentieth century. Special attention was devoted to the urban discourse in the first decades of the last century. The narrower referential framework of this work focuses on investigating the urban growth and development of Belgrade in the first decades of the twentieth century. In Belgrade there are dwelling quarters that were created in the period between the World Wars as a direct consequence of the implementation of the Garden City Concept. One of the basic thesis of this work elaborates the modes of the genesis of one of them - the Professors' Colony, and seeks to distinguish specific applications of the Garden City Concept in relation to Belgrade's specific social conditions.Read More