Title: The Assessment Of Financial Management As A Tools For Control Public Sector
Abstract:This study was carried out with a view of assessment of financial management as a tool for control in public sector. With special reference to ministry of finance, Borno State and to suggest on how to...This study was carried out with a view of assessment of financial management as a tool for control in public sector. With special reference to ministry of finance, Borno State and to suggest on how to alleviate them. These included: (1) lack of good records keeping. (2) Mismanagement of funds and, (3) centralization of meaning financial resources in the execution of the ministry among other things: the reviewed was the review of related literature. The related was management, public sector, financial control, characteristics of financial control result in key areas, objective of financial control, and import of financial control and financial management. Following importance description of method of data collection, one hundred (100) management staff were issued to them. Some expected validity of the instrument use for the research work were personal interview. Similarly, the presentation of the various information received from the respondents were been tabulated and shown. There are various discussions in the outcome of the summary, conclusion and observed recommendations based on the outcome of the research work to the case study and of course, the acknowledgment of the various past writers used.Read More