Title: Investigating the Effect of the Demographic Characteristics on the Organizational Justice Perceptions in the Egyptian Travel Agents
Abstract:Interpersonal Justice Organizational Justice Procedural JusticeOrganizational justice represents people's perceptions about the extent of fair treatment within organizations.It consists of four dimens...Interpersonal Justice Organizational Justice Procedural JusticeOrganizational justice represents people's perceptions about the extent of fair treatment within organizations.It consists of four dimensions; distributive, procedural, informational and interpersonal justice.This study attempts to illustrate the impact of significant differences between demographic Characteristics on employees' perceptions about organizational justice in the Egyptian travel agents.This study applied descriptive methodology which used a cross-sectional design.Questionnaire was designed on a five-point Likert scale and the agreement level ranges from strongly agree to strongly disagree.It was implemented to gather the primary data from the sample of the study from 1st August till 20th September 2020.The study included 329 travel agents who participated with 400 employees, after revising questionnaires, only 358 questionnaires were valid for statistical analysis.Results illustrated that there are significant differences between all categories of demographic variables except gender in organizational justice and organizational excellence in the Egyptian travel agents.Read More