Title: Gender Differences in Relation with Locus of Control and Self-Assertiveness in Colleges and University Teachers
Abstract:This study aimed to find out the relationship between locus of control and self-assertiveness among university and college teachers.A total of 100 university/college (private, government) teachers (ma...This study aimed to find out the relationship between locus of control and self-assertiveness among university and college teachers.A total of 100 university/college (private, government) teachers (male=51 and female=49) were chosen from various universities and colleges located in Sahiwal.The Rathus (1973) Self-assertiveness Scale and Julian Rotter' s Locus of Control Scale (1983) were used to assess selfassertiveness and locus of control, respectively.In this study, SPSS was used for statistical analysis.It was hypothesized that among university/college teachers, locus of control and self-assertiveness would be positively correlated.The findings supported the hypothesis that locus of control and self-assertiveness have a positive relationship.Another result suggested that male university/college teachers would have a higher locus of influence than female university/college teachers.Male teachers, on the other hand, were found to be more assertive than female teachers.The findings confirmed both hypotheses that male teachers are more self-assured than female teachers.Read More
Title: $Gender Differences in Relation with Locus of Control and Self-Assertiveness in Colleges and University Teachers
Abstract: This study aimed to find out the relationship between locus of control and self-assertiveness among university and college teachers.A total of 100 university/college (private, government) teachers (male=51 and female=49) were chosen from various universities and colleges located in Sahiwal.The Rathus (1973) Self-assertiveness Scale and Julian Rotter' s Locus of Control Scale (1983) were used to assess selfassertiveness and locus of control, respectively.In this study, SPSS was used for statistical analysis.It was hypothesized that among university/college teachers, locus of control and self-assertiveness would be positively correlated.The findings supported the hypothesis that locus of control and self-assertiveness have a positive relationship.Another result suggested that male university/college teachers would have a higher locus of influence than female university/college teachers.Male teachers, on the other hand, were found to be more assertive than female teachers.The findings confirmed both hypotheses that male teachers are more self-assured than female teachers.