Title: Canada and the Changing Global NHP Landscape: The 17th Annual Conference of the Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada
Abstract:The 17th Annual Natural Health Products Research Conference hosted by the NHP Research Society of Canada (NHPRS) will be held from June 7–9 & 14–16, 2021, virtually hosted by the University of Ottawa,...The 17th Annual Natural Health Products Research Conference hosted by the NHP Research Society of Canada (NHPRS) will be held from June 7–9 & 14–16, 2021, virtually hosted by the University of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Ontario. Founded in 2003 by a collaboration of academic, industry, and government researchers from across Canada, the NHPRS is a Canadian federally incorporated non-profit organization. The goals of the NHPRS are; (a) to promote scientifically rigorous research and education on natural health products (NHPs), (b) to develop a national research community that encompasses academic, health professional, government and a broad-base of industry stakeholders, (c) to support national research priorities that best enable the informed and appropriate use of NHPs that are safe and efficacious, (d) to increase the capacity for NHP research and education, (e) to facilitate effective NHP knowledge transfer and translation, (f) to support the use of science-based product quality standards and the use of well-characterized materials and protocols in research and (g) to foster value-chain development through interdisciplinary NHP research collaborations and networking. To forward these objectives, the NHPRS has held annual research conferences since inception with themes that highlight the important trends in the ever growing and changing field of NHP Research. The theme of the 17th Annual Conference is “Canada and the Changing Global NHP Landscape”, featuring sixRead More