Title: White Elephants and Other Non-basic Commodities: Piero Sraffa and Krishna Bharadwaj on the Role and Significance of the Distinction between Basics and Non-basics
Abstract:After the publication of Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities ( Sraffa, 1960 ), a lot of attention was devoted to ‘reswitching’, that is to the fact that a technique is cost-minimising at...After the publication of Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities ( Sraffa, 1960 ), a lot of attention was devoted to ‘reswitching’, that is to the fact that a technique is cost-minimising at two disconnected ranges of the rate of profits and not so in between these ranges. We owe Krishna Bharadwaj (1970, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 106, 409–429) an important contribution to the debate by stating and proving a general result concerning the maximum number of switches between two techniques that have at least one switch point on the wage-frontier. She proved that the maximum number of switches coincides with the number of distinct commodities, without double counting, that enter directly or indirectly into at least one of the alternative methods of production. This means that if the alternative methods produce a commodity that is basic in both techniques, then non-basics in both techniques play no role in this, whereas if the alternative methods produce a non-basic commodity in at least one technique, then a role is played also by those non-basics that enter directly or indirectly into the production of at least one of the alternative methods of production. JEL Code: B12, B21, B31, B51, D24, D51Read More