Title: Comparative Advertising as a Competitive Tool for Advertising Institutions
Abstract:Advertising is as old as civilization and commerce, today, businesses attract potential customers with appealing business signs, pamphlets, brochures, billboards, radio, Internet and TV communications...Advertising is as old as civilization and commerce, today, businesses attract potential customers with appealing business signs, pamphlets, brochures, billboards, radio, Internet and TV communications, and many other advertising tools.[1] Advertising is competitive by nature, if we take a closer look on the Advertising industry, it becomes very noticeable how increasingly comparative advertising is taking place on various types of media, whether on television, social media platforms or even on outdoor billboards and banners.
Since Comparative Advertising is seen in our everyday lives, and as it increases, many questions are asked, one important question is: Can you compare the relative qualities of your brand with those of competitors without the infringement of trademark laws or unfair competition laws? In this research paper, we will mention the different approaches of some countries to answer this question, we will also discuss the situation in Egypt and what is the most suitable law to be applied to comparative advertising in Egypt.Read More