Title: Silencing of Nicotiana benthamiana phytoendesaturase using dsRNA synthesized in vivo
Abstract:Abstract RNA interference (RNAi) using exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) has been used to silence the model gene of Nicotiana benthamiana phytoendesaturase. Here we report on an efficient techniqu...Abstract RNA interference (RNAi) using exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) has been used to silence the model gene of Nicotiana benthamiana phytoendesaturase. Here we report on an efficient technique for dsRNA synthesis using E. coli HT115 strain. This strain is deficient in RNase III, an enzyme that normally destroys most dsRNA in a bacterial cell and has been engineered to produce big quantities of dsRNA. We also used root treatment for dsRNA delivery to N. benthamiana plants. We found this method to be one of the most efficient ways to deliver dsRNA for plants.Read More