Title: Knowledge Management in the Healthcare System
Abstract:Knowledge management refers to all management activities necessary for the effective creation, capture, exchange and management of knowledge. Knowledge management has always been the most important is...Knowledge management refers to all management activities necessary for the effective creation, capture, exchange and management of knowledge. Knowledge management has always been the most important issue in human societies. Knowledge management became a discipline during the 80s, and the growing role of information technology has enabled the development of efficient KM tools using databases and common software. The current concept of knowledge management emerged, however, in the early 1990s and covered various fields such as business administration, public policy, information systems management, libraries, and information science. In health care, KM is developed mainly in the field of electronic health record management and management of the health organization. In this context, previous research in the business domain has been adapted and applied to health knowledge management. But health care poses different challenges and questions to KM because of its own nature). For the WHO, the main purpose of knowledge management is to bridge knowledge gaps between and within countries. Knowledge management deals with the development of systems and processes used to promote originality, creativity, intelligence and learning. The discipline of knowledge management has three main components (WHO): • People: who create, share and use knowledge and who collectively form an organizational culture that nurtures and encourages the exchange of knowledge; • Processes: methods for acquiring, creating, organizing, exchanging and transferring knowledge; • Technology: mechanisms that store and enable access to data, information and knowledge created by people in various locations.Read More