Title: A Sparsity Preestimated Adaptive Matching Pursuit Algorithm
Abstract:In the matching pursuit algorithm of compressed sensing, the traditional reconstruction algorithm needs to know the signal sparsity. The sparsity adaptive matching pursuit (SAMP) algorithm can adaptiv...In the matching pursuit algorithm of compressed sensing, the traditional reconstruction algorithm needs to know the signal sparsity. The sparsity adaptive matching pursuit (SAMP) algorithm can adaptively approach the signal sparsity when the sparsity is unknown. However, the SAMP algorithm starts from zero and iterates several times with a fixed step size to approximate the true sparsity, which increases the runtime. To increase the run speed, a sparsity preestimated adaptive matching pursuit (SPAMP) algorithm is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the sparsity preestimated strategy is used to estimate the sparsity, and then the signal is reconstructed by the SAMP algorithm with the preestimated sparsity as the iterative initial value. The method reconstructs the signal from the preestimated sparsity, which reduces the number of iterations and greatly speeds up the run efficiency.Read More