Title: Baruch Brandl, Xiaoli Ouyang, Andrea M. Berlin, Sharon C. Herbert, Anastasia Shapiro. “A Persian Period Bulla from Tel Qedesh, Israel, and Its Implications for Relations between Tyre and Nippur”
Abstract:In 1999, twenty years before this publication, a bulla in a perfect state of preservation was found in a Byzantine-period pit at Tel Qedesh. The fact that it was almost completely intact in all its pa...In 1999, twenty years before this publication, a bulla in a perfect state of preservation was found in a Byzantine-period pit at Tel Qedesh. The fact that it was almost completely intact in all its parts, in combination with the relatively recent publication of cuneiform documents from private collections, has permitted the Authors to attribute the original stamp seal to the Persian period, to reconstruct the possible original sealing’s use context (a papyrus sealing) and to advance a hypothe...Read More