Title: The Effect of Using Panicum Mombasa Hay and Millet Hay in the diet on the Production Performance of Awassi Lambs
Abstract:The current study was conducted at Al- Dawar Research Station (30 km to the northeast of Ramadi districtcenter in Anbar Governorate)/Ministry of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Organization/Departme...The current study was conducted at Al- Dawar Research Station (30 km to the northeast of Ramadi districtcenter in Anbar Governorate)/Ministry of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Organization/Department ofAnimal Resource Researches, and for the period from November 1, 2019, to February 1, 2020. This researchaims to study the feeding role on the Panicum maximum Mombasa hay and Millet hay compared to thealfalfa hay and the mixing between them on the production traits of Awassi lambs. In this experiment, 20heads of Awassi sheep were used, their ages ranged from 5 to 6 months, and their average weight was 37 ±0.75 kg. The animals were distributed randomly into five treatments, each treatment containing 3 femalesand one male; all animals were fed (group feeding/treatment) during the experiment time on the samediet of concentrated forage provided at a percentage of 2% of live body weight/treatment/day. As for therough forage, it was also provided daily/treatment, but freely, and the next morning the remainder of theconcentrated and rough forage was weighed/group. The average total weight gain, the average daily weightgain, the average daily consumption, and the feed conversion efficiency were calculated, and it was observedthat there were no significant differences between the treatments in the average live body weight, the totaland daily weight gain, the amount of total feed intake (concentrated and rough) and the feed conversionefficiency. It can be concluded from this that the use of Panicum maximum Mombasa hay and Millet hay didnot negatively affect the product performance of the Awassi lambs.Read More