Title: Observance of Human Rights as an Element of Shaping the Position of the European Enterprise in the Knowledge-Based Economy
Abstract:The goal of the article is to determine the role played by observance of human rights in shaping the position of the European enterprise in the knowledge-based economy. It has been assumed that the co...The goal of the article is to determine the role played by observance of human rights in shaping the position of the European enterprise in the knowledge-based economy. It has been assumed that the condition most expected by an entrepreneur is to achieve a competitive advantage. The concept of observance of human rights in conducting business activities is connected with business ethics and the idea of corporate social responsibility, while economic well-being can be achieved in the conditions of a knowledge-based economy. One of the conditions for the survival and development of the employer conducting business activities in the knowledge-based economy is to effectively motivate employees to reveal their knowledge and use it in practice. Non-financial motivation may involve the feeling of identification with the employer.Read More