Title: An Unexpected Acute Abdomen Case: Torsion of a Wandering Spleen Treated with Splenopexy
Abstract:Wandering spleen is a rare condition that results from the absence or looseness of the hanging ligaments that keep the spleen in its normal anatomical location. It can lead to acute abdomen with torsi...Wandering spleen is a rare condition that results from the absence or looseness of the hanging ligaments that keep the spleen in its normal anatomical location. It can lead to acute abdomen with torsion and infarction of the splenic pedicle. In this article, we present a patient who came to the hospital with a grievance of severe abdominal pain and was diagnosed with a torsion of wandering spleen. The patient was treated with splenopexy. Although it is a rare case, wandering spleen should also be think of in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen.Read More