Title: Investigation of the relationship between family relations and peer bullying of primary and secondary school students
Abstract:The aim of this study to examine whether there is a significant difference between primary school students' perceptions of family relationships and their peer bullying attitudes."Peer Bullying Determi...The aim of this study to examine whether there is a significant difference between primary school students' perceptions of family relationships and their peer bullying attitudes."Peer Bullying Determination Scale" and "Family Relations Scale for Children" have been used to analize 147 students from 4 th , 5 th and 6 th grades of a private primary school in İstanbul and the results were interpreted by t test and a regression analysis.Analysis of the results showed that the family relations perceptions of the students might vary according to the gender and grades level.Moreover, it was determined that primary school students' perceptions of family relations were effective on peer bullying attiudes.Read More