Title: A Review on Visual Secret Sharing Schemes for Binary, Gray & Color Image
Abstract:Today's fast growing world of the internet is acquiring more attention of people.People are using more services provided by e-commerce and social sites, they exchange multimedia data over the internet...Today's fast growing world of the internet is acquiring more attention of people.People are using more services provided by e-commerce and social sites, they exchange multimedia data over the internet thus there is need of data confidentiality, integrity and availability.Cryptography is used to solve some of above problems.Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) schemes capable to handle the problem related with sharing of visual data.But display quality, variations in share sizes, insecurity in transmission of shares, originality of share, pixel expansion, etc. are still open problems.The aim of this paper is to review and examine numerous existing visual secret sharing schemes, which tries to solve above problems.This information will be useful to researchers who would like to work in this area.Read More