Title: Reprezentacije manjinskog u suvremenom hrvatskom kazalištu i drami, trijalog
Abstract:This trialogue focuses on four performances presented in Zagreb during 2017/2018 season: Jelčić's Govori glasnije (Speak louder), Buljan's Ciganin, ali najljepši (The Gypsy, but the most beautiful), D...This trialogue focuses on four performances presented in Zagreb during 2017/2018 season: Jelčić's Govori glasnije (Speak louder), Buljan's Ciganin, ali najljepši (The Gypsy, but the most beautiful), Djordjev's Ljudski glas (Human voice) and Klepica's Bijeli bubrezi (Rocky Mountain Oysters).The trialogue combines the questions on identity representation with a wider issue of artistic "truth" in theaterRead More