Title: A Useful Way to Obtain the Central Charge of Entanglement Hamiltonian ^|^mdash; Nested Entanglement Entropy ^|^mdash;
Abstract:In this paper, we review how to obtain the central charge of a critical entanglement Hamiltonian through the nested entanglement entropy which was first introduced in Ref. [1]. The critical phenomena ...In this paper, we review how to obtain the central charge of a critical entanglement Hamiltonian through the nested entanglement entropy which was first introduced in Ref. [1]. The critical phenomena of the entanglement Hamiltonian can be identified by the central charge obtained by the nested entanglement entropy. We review our previous studies [1, 2] in which we investigated certain entanglement nature of two-dimensional valence-bond-solid (VBS) state and quantum hard-square models on square and triangle ladders using the nested entanglement entropy.Read More