Title: The Tort Law Debate, Efficiency, and the Kingdom of the Ill: A Critique of the Insurance Theory of Compensation
Abstract:Danzon endorses the insurance theory as delineating the type of payments that are efficient.See id. at 518-19.She does not, however, take a position on whether efficiency considerations alone should d...Danzon endorses the insurance theory as delineating the type of payments that are efficient.See id. at 518-19.She does not, however, take a position on whether efficiency considerations alone should determine compensation policy.SeeRead More
Title: $The Tort Law Debate, Efficiency, and the Kingdom of the Ill: A Critique of the Insurance Theory of Compensation
Abstract: Danzon endorses the insurance theory as delineating the type of payments that are efficient.See id. at 518-19.She does not, however, take a position on whether efficiency considerations alone should determine compensation policy.See