Title: Smart Data-Driven Policy on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): Analysis of Drone Users in U.S. Cities
Abstract:Realizing the benefits of drones while minimizing public concerns requires development and implementation of drone use policies that are grounded in an understanding of drone users and their behavior....Realizing the benefits of drones while minimizing public concerns requires development and implementation of drone use policies that are grounded in an understanding of drone users and their behavior. This study aims to contribute to data-driven smart cities by filling our gap in knowledge about city drone users and their compliance behavior. The literature review has identified the main factors affecting drone policy compliance. This study collects data via a national survey of adults on drone behavior and focuses on city drone users. The results show that city drone users are younger with more dispersed educational backgrounds and income distribution than those in the general population. Moreover, civic duty, trust in government, and knowledge about regulatory requirements are motivators for drone users to comply with drone regulation.Read More