Title: Haematological Profile of Marecha Male Camel (Camelus dromedarius) during Rutting and Non-Rutting Season under Farming System
Abstract:This study was undertaken to investigate haematological parameters of Pakistani male dromedary camel in rutting and non-rutting conditions.Five clinically healthy male Marecha camels of 5-10 years old...This study was undertaken to investigate haematological parameters of Pakistani male dromedary camel in rutting and non-rutting conditions.Five clinically healthy male Marecha camels of 5-10 years old having average body weight of 690±40 kg were studied for haematology in non-rut (August) and rut (February) season.The animals were kept in semi-open pens throughout the experiment, fed with concentrate, fodder, gram straw and available jungle grazing/browsing daily for 4-6 hr.Water was provided twice daily.The animals were dewormed and vaccinated regularly after three months, according to routine farm practices.Haematological parameters were analyzed on haematology analyzer.Haemoglobin (Hb), red blood cell (RBC) counts, white blood cell (WBC) counts, granulocyte, lymphocytes, packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were determined.The Hb concentrations (P>0.05) were found to be 14.86±1.28and 14.26±1.12gm/dl respectively in non-rut and rut season, being higher in non-rutting males.The values of RBC, WBC, PCV, MCV and MCHC were found to be differed significantly (P<0.05)among groups being higher in non-rutting males except WBC which was higher in rutting camels.The values of granulocytes, lymphocytes and MCH were found to be non-significantly (P>0.05)varied among groups.The findings are discussed in relation to reported results and could be used as a primary database for future studies.Read More