Title: Bubble Deck Slab as an Innovative Biaxial Hollow Slab – A Review
Abstract:Abstract Slab is the most important member in any building structure which consume large amount of concrete. The slab self-weight is large due to large consumption of concrete in producing slab. There...Abstract Slab is the most important member in any building structure which consume large amount of concrete. The slab self-weight is large due to large consumption of concrete in producing slab. Therefore, bubble deck slab is an innovative and newly designed biaxial hollow slab system that had been introduced in order to overcome this problem. Bubble deck slab is a revolutionary method which was developed by Jorgen Bruenig from Denmark in the 1990s. The bubble deck slab had been designed and constructed with plastic hollow bubbles in the middle part of slab to eliminate the concrete which does not perform any structural function and at the same time reducing the slab self-weight. Thus, the self-weight of bubble deck slab can be reduced about 30-50% than conventional concrete slab; that can reduce the loads acting on columns, walls and foundations. Finally, the use of bubble deck slab can give many benefits as compared to conventional concrete slab such as improve the structural performance of slab, reduce the materials and cost, efficiency and faster construction time, and it is also a green product. The aim of this paper is to give some of the reviews from previous studies related to bubble deck slab.Read More