Title: Genealogie Kingi i innych świętych władczyń w średniowieczu. Studium hagiograficzne
Abstract:The present article seeks to define the purpose of the genealogies included in the lives of saintly female rulers. The analysis centres around the Life of Saint Kinga, who died in 1292; she was the da...The present article seeks to define the purpose of the genealogies included in the lives of saintly female rulers. The analysis centres around the Life of Saint Kinga, who died in 1292; she was the daughter of King Bela IV of Hungary and wife of Prince Bolesław V the Chaste of Cracow. The author also uses other hagiographic sources from the entire period of the Middle Ages and various parts of Europe. These genealogies were to demonstrate that the protagonist of the text inherited her potential to be a saint from her ancestors.Read More