Title: Haematological Studies on Multiple Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients in Nigeria
Abstract:Multiple squamous cell carcinomas (MSCCs) involve a lot of varied types of cancer that originate from squamous cells. These cells make up the outer parts of skin and lining of some organs, respiratory...Multiple squamous cell carcinomas (MSCCs) involve a lot of varied types of cancer that originate from squamous cells. These cells make up the outer parts of skin and lining of some organs, respiratory and digestive tracts..Read More
Title: $Haematological Studies on Multiple Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients in Nigeria
Abstract: Multiple squamous cell carcinomas (MSCCs) involve a lot of varied types of cancer that originate from squamous cells. These cells make up the outer parts of skin and lining of some organs, respiratory and digestive tracts..