Title: Probe into the Humanistic Spirit Contained in the Courses of Science and Engineering in Universities
Abstract:The mission of higher education is to train senior professionals with a sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability. Higher education should regard the effectiveness of mor...The mission of higher education is to train senior professionals with a sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability. Higher education should regard the effectiveness of moral education as the fundamental standard for testing all work in colleges and universities, adhere to the integration of knowledge transfer and value guidance, and the integration of explicit education and implicit education, and fully explore the humanistic and ideological education resources contained in various courses and teaching methods. In this paper, by incorporating the humanistic spirit into the science and engineering courses, while imparting scientific knowledge, it pays attention to cultivating students’ discipline and collectivism. The teaching effect shows that this teaching method has a certain positive effect on cultivating qualified talents.Read More