Title: Exploring of the Role of Human Resources Management Practices towards Enhancing Sustainability in Egyptian Private Universities: A Qualitative Study
Abstract:The current study aims to explore the role of human resources management practices towards enhancing sustainability in Egyptian private universities. The study will highlight the role of human resourc...The current study aims to explore the role of human resources management practices towards enhancing sustainability in Egyptian private universities. The study will highlight the role of human resources practices mainly; recruitment& selection, training, performance appraisal and compensation in the Egyptian private universities. How each practice will contribute to sustainability as well as the current sustainability initiatives in these universities. The study is exploratory in nature which follows the qualitative approach through carrying out in-depth interviews with a sample of four human resources specialists, twelve academic staff and four administrative staff from diverse faculties at four different private universities. The findings revealed that sustainability practices and initiatives exist in the Egyptian private universities; however, it diverges from a university to another. Furthermore, sustainability awareness and commitment are in primary stage at the Egyptian private universities. The national, international agreements, partnerships and protocols enhance the university commitment toward sustainability. HRM practices are transferring from traditional to green practices. Recruitment & selection as well as Performance appraisal have slightly role in enhancing sustainability, while, training has a very effective role in supporting and facilitating sustainability. Whereas, compensation has a minor role towards sustainability. This study contributes to literature through providing insights regarding HRM practices and sustainability in the Egyptian private universities.Read More