Title: Social and emotional representation of the concept in the linguistic picture of the world
Abstract:The relevance of the article is the problem of studying of key concepts of the cultures which is in recent times one of the dominant positions within the framework of the problem of interaction and mu...The relevance of the article is the problem of studying of key concepts of the cultures which is in recent times one of the dominant positions within the framework of the problem of interaction and mutual influence of language and culture. In this regard, this work is carried out within the framework of directions of modern linguistics, cultural linguistics. The purpose of the study is to examine the representation of linguistic-cultural concept of "Моң" (lyrical sadness, melody, nostalgia) on the material of Tatar songs, proverbs, phraseological units and fiction in the Tatar language consciousness. The chosen method of linguoculturological analysis, including the observation of language material and the description of linguistic facts, the method of analysis of dictionary definitions, etymological, contextual and interpretative analyses, the method of structural-semantic modeling of lexical units allowed the authors to thoroughly review and analyze the studied concept.Read More