Title: ATM Shoulder-Surfing Resistant Pin Entry Using Based Pin and Base Text
Abstract:The main aim of this system is to develop a secure ATM in future. In general, all the keypad based authentication system having several possibilities of password identification by means of shoulder mo...The main aim of this system is to develop a secure ATM in future. In general, all the keypad based authentication system having several possibilities of password identification by means of shoulder movements. Shoulder-surfing is an attack on password authentication that has frequently been hard to defeat. This problem has come up with a new solution by following two types of proposal idea one is designing shuffled Automated Teller Machine keypad which displays the shuffled texts in the Display which confuses person who standing near you to guess the password. Another one is to develop the GSM application between the user and Automated Teller Machine counter for communicating a password via the wireless medium. If someone tries to input the old password got by shoulder surfing a message containing the location of ATM and the ATM shutter will be closed.Read More