Title: Creative Freedom: Arts Entrepreneurship as a Mindset
Abstract:This essay explores the importance of arts entrepreneurship educators in developing curriculum and classroom practices that guide visual art and design students to appreciate the transferability of cr...This essay explores the importance of arts entrepreneurship educators in developing curriculum and classroom practices that guide visual art and design students to appreciate the transferability of creative training to various roles in the creative sector. Observation, empathy, critique and iteration are essential elements of the creative process. These skills are also valuable outside the creative sector, providing insights in business and entrepreneurial settings. It is essential that art and design students are exposed to the idea that, for them, business theories, methods and tools provide a means to communicate the inherent value of their creative solutions to non-creatives. When they achieve this level of understanding, students will grow more comfortable knowing they are not simply working in service of business, but are equal creative collaborators who are essential to the success of any project. When developing arts entrepreneurship curricula, educators can better incorporate the skills presented across visual art and design with the language of business. As a result, students may become more confident in seeing their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills as providing deeper value to a variety of projects beyond their roles as developers of creative content.Read More