Title: Krytyka ide "nowego ateizmu" w twórczości Davida Berlinskiego
Abstract:“The new atheism” is an anti-Christian ideology, whose objective is to fight the idea of God. Atheism is an assumed postulate which should be justified on the basis of empirical science. It is opposed...“The new atheism” is an anti-Christian ideology, whose objective is to fight the idea of God. Atheism is an assumed postulate which should be justified on the basis of empirical science. It is opposed mostly by the ideological and philosophical movement that emerged in the twenty-first century and strongly fights theism. This ideology is confronted with a vehement reaction of many scientists who deal with all the major arguments, accusations and assertions of the new-atheist propositions. One of them is David Berlinski who tries to defend the theistic views as he opposes the pseudo-scientific ideas formulated by the “new atheism”, especially by Richard Dawkins.Read More