Title: A arqueobotânica no Castro de Guifões (Matosinhos, Noroeste de Portugal): O primeiro estudo carpológico
Abstract:The Castro de Guifões (Matosinhos, Noroeste de Portugal), strategically settled nearby the river Leça, has been studied by several archaeologists, since the end of the XIX century. In 2016, new archae...The Castro de Guifões (Matosinhos, Noroeste de Portugal), strategically settled nearby the river Leça, has been studied by several archaeologists, since the end of the XIX century. In 2016, new archaeological excavations led to the recovery of sediment samples for archaeobotanical analyses. This work presents the carpological results (fruits and seeds) of samples from four campaigns, covering a large time-span, between the Iron Age and the Late Antiquity, as well as a diverse set of archaeological contexts. The results showed a predominance of cereals, mainly broomcorn millet and naked wheat. Rye, and above all foxtail millet and barley appeared in smaller amountsRead More