Title: A remark on differentiability of Cauchy horizons
Abstract:In a recent paper Królak and Beem (1998 J. Math. Phys. at press) have shown differentiability of Cauchy horizons at all points of multiplicity one. In this note we give a simpler proof of this result....In a recent paper Królak and Beem (1998 J. Math. Phys. at press) have shown differentiability of Cauchy horizons at all points of multiplicity one. In this note we give a simpler proof of this result.Read More
Title: $A remark on differentiability of Cauchy horizons
Abstract: In a recent paper Królak and Beem (1998 J. Math. Phys. at press) have shown differentiability of Cauchy horizons at all points of multiplicity one. In this note we give a simpler proof of this result.