Title: Impact of Insect Pollinators on Quantitative and Qualitative Improvement in Agricultural Crops: A Review
Abstract:Agricultural crops are chief source of human food and nutrition across worldwide since world's population dependent on agricultural produce. To produce quantitative food in agricultural crops, it requ...Agricultural crops are chief source of human food and nutrition across worldwide since world's population dependent on agricultural produce. To produce quantitative food in agricultural crops, it requires pollination for adequate fruit setting. Pollination is performed by mean of abiotic and biotic factors. Among the biotic factors, Insect pollinators (entomophily) play lead role in pollination. Contribution of insects in global food production ranges between 15% and 30%. Hymnopteran insects i.e. bees are prominent pollinators in different agricultural crops. Both quality and quantity of produce are key considerations for better income from agricultural crops. Insect pollinators enhance both quality and quantity of crops. Insect pollinators are responsible for maintaining the yield and genetic variability in accompanying with sexual reproduction and reducing inbreeding depression in crops. Pollinator insects associated with crops in ecosystem and visitations of these insects positively correlated with yield. Regular use of conventional pesticide can diminish the abundance and species diversification of insect pollinators in crop ecosystem. Our review highlights positive consequences of insect pollinators on various agricultural crops including field, fruit, vegetable and plantation crops.Read More