Title: A possible source of spin-polarized electrons: The inert graphene/Ni(111) system
Abstract:We report on an investigation of spin-polarized secondary electron emission from the chemically inert system: graphene/Ni(111). An ordered passivation graphene layer (monolayer of graphite) was formed...We report on an investigation of spin-polarized secondary electron emission from the chemically inert system: graphene/Ni(111). An ordered passivation graphene layer (monolayer of graphite) was formed on Ni(111) surface via cracking of propylene gas. The spin polarization of secondary electrons obtained from this system upon photoemission is only slightly lower than the one from the clean Ni surface but does not change upon large oxygen exposure. These results suggest to use such passivated Ni(111) surface as a source of spin-polarized electrons stable against adsorption of reactive gases.Read More