Title: Nem todas as mulheres do mundo: uma análise das personagens femininas nos filmes do Cinema Novo (1959-1969)
Abstract:Not all women in the world: an analysis of female characters in the films of Cinema Novo (1959)(1960)(1961)(1962)(1963)(1964)(1965)(1966)(1967)(1968)(1969) This research presents an analysis of the fe...Not all women in the world: an analysis of female characters in the films of Cinema Novo (1959)(1960)(1961)(1962)(1963)(1964)(1965)(1966)(1967)(1968)(1969) This research presents an analysis of the female characters in the films of Cinema Novo, made between 1959 and 1969, with the aim of interpreting the way filmic narratives define the place of these characters and configure certain social relations in the dramatic structure.The political and aesthetic engagement of the movement's filmmakers and the general context of expanding the feminist debate in the 1960s guide certain choices and representations about the roles of women in Brazilian society, as well as configuring different perspectives on the participation of women in social transformation or maintaining the status quo.In order to establish an overall vision on the subject, we interpret, through film analysis, the cinematographic works more inRead More