Title: Partisipasi Perempuan Desa Karangsari dalam Mewujudkan Pembangunan Inklusif
Abstract:Substantially, Law of concerning Village No. 6 of 2014 has the aim of realizing a village government that is professional, efficient, effective, open and accountable. Karangsari village, Kulonprogo DI...Substantially, Law of concerning Village No. 6 of 2014 has the aim of realizing a village government that is professional, efficient, effective, open and accountable. Karangsari village, Kulonprogo DIY in managing village assets provides space for every villager, especially women, vulnerable and marginalized groups to be involved in managing village assets, especially in optimizing sustainable livelihoods. The involvement of women, vulnerable and marginalized groups can be seen through the Village Deliberation Forum (Musdes), they participate in providing input and suggestions related to village development and economic arrangement based on sustainable livelihoods. In addition, women and marginalized groups in villages also have the same opportunity to utilize assets in three sector areas, namely the agricultural sector, MSMEs, and tourism. More than that, the economic dynamics of village women not only get institutional support, such as organizing groups such as KDDK, KWT, and skills, but they also get support for marketing access that integrates the local village economy into the market for products of micro, small and medium enterprises ( UMKM) are wider.Read More