Title: Preliminary generation young growth of mature and overmature light-coniferous plants in Osinsky forestry Perm region
Abstract:On the basis of forest inventory data of the main Osinsky forestry, an attempt was made to analyze light coniferous stands and the availability of mature and overmature trees of a preliminary generati...On the basis of forest inventory data of the main Osinsky forestry, an attempt was made to analyze light coniferous stands and the availability of mature and overmature trees of a preliminary generation among them. The basis of the research is the analysis of a high-performance database using SQL queries to determine statistically reliable information using spreadsheets and geographic information systems. It has been established that the share of light coniferous plantations in the forestry area of the coniferous-deciduous (mixed) forest area in the European part of the Russian Federation does not exceed 14 % of the total area covered by forest vegetation and they are mainly represented by middle-aged pine forests of growth class I with a full stand of 0,7. About 72 % of light coniferous stands grow in the type of forest conditions B2. The proportion of larch in the total area of light coniferous stands, not exceeding 0,5 %, was determined. They are predominantly represented by medium-density young growths and middle-aged stands of I and II growth class and are confined to the type of forest conditions C2. A rather high availability of undergrowth with preliminary generation was shown only 8,11 % of ripe and mature light coniferous plantations do not have undergrowth. Spruce dominates in the composition of the undergrowth of preliminary generation, which occurs in 88,72 % of the area of ripe and overmature pine trees, and its density exceeds 3700 % / ha by 37,6 %. A significant proportion of plantations with the presence of undergrowth of spruce in the types of forest conditions with poor dry, moist and wet sandy soils require the replacement of pine with its undergrowth in order to avoid changing light coniferous plantations to less productive dark coniferous ones. Pine growth occurs in 3,2 % of the area of ripe and mature light coniferous plantations, which necessitates measures to facilitate its accumulation. In particular, it is possible to recommend mineralization of the soil under the seed year for pine, which will further minimize the cost of artificial reforestation. Data on the availability of undergrowth by groups of forest types and relative completeness make it possible to optimize the regime of selective fellings.Read More