Title: The Impact of Airline's Creating Shared Value on Trust, Image and Loyalty
Abstract:Despite the importance of Creating Shared Value(CSV), few research has been conducted to understand it. Filling in this existing void, this study was an attempt to provide a clear understanding about ...Despite the importance of Creating Shared Value(CSV), few research has been conducted to understand it. Filling in this existing void, this study was an attempt to provide a clear understanding about what triggers airline customers’ decisions according to the airline company’s CSV activities. Through this study, we investigated the relationship among CSV, trust, image, and loyalty. An online survey was used as a method to collect data. Through the CFA, we confirmed the adequate level of reliability and validity of the measures. The structural model was found to include an acceptable fit to the collected data. The findings from the structural analysis revealed that CSV exerted and immense on trust and image. Also, trust was significantly associated with image and loyalty while the image was highly associated with loyalty. Based on the findings presented above, implications for practitioners and researchers are stated.Read More