Title: A Spectroscopic Comparison Between - and Low-Velocity F Dwarfs.
Abstract:view Abstract Citations (25) References Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS A Spectroscopic Comparison Between - and Low-Velocity F Dwarfs. Schwarzschild, ...view Abstract Citations (25) References Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS A Spectroscopic Comparison Between - and Low-Velocity F Dwarfs. Schwarzschild, Martin ; Schwarzschild, Barbara Abstract High-dispersion spectrograms were obtained with the coud spectrograph of the l(iO4nch telescope at Mount Wilson for nine F stars, including three high-velocity and three low-velocity,'dwarfs. On the spectrograms, depths were measured for seventy-eight lines, equivalent widths for' thirteen lines, and profiles for four lines. The relative temperatures and pressures of the nine stars were analyxed with the help of the photoelectric color indices determined by Dr. Eggen and the degrees of ionixation derived from the line depths, and the various measurements were discussed as functions of temperature and pressure. The final data showed no difference between the high-velocity and the low-velocity F dwarfs, with the following exceptions: The CH features were found somewhat stronger relative to the Fe I lines in the highvelocity dwarfs than in the low-velocity dwarfs, indicating that the abundance ratio of C to Fe is probably approximately 2.5 times higher in the high-velocity dwarfs than in the low-velocity dwarfs. A second, though extremely uncertain, difference appeared in the equivalent widths of the Fe I lines, which indicated that possibly the abundance ratio of H to Fe might be larger in the high-velocity dwarfs by about a factor of 2 as compared with the low-velocity dwarfs. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: September 1950 DOI: 10.1086/145340 Bibcode: 1950ApJ...112..248S full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (8)Read More