Title: Comparative Study of Heterosis for Seed Cotton Yield and Other Agro Morphological Traits in Conventional, GMS and CMS Based Hybrids of Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Abstract:A study was made in upland cotton to assess the extent of heterosis over standard check for seed cotton yield and its related attributes traits at three locations viz., Surat, Bharuch and Hansot.The s...A study was made in upland cotton to assess the extent of heterosis over standard check for seed cotton yield and its related attributes traits at three locations viz., Surat, Bharuch and Hansot.The standard heterosis varied from -36.83 to 15.95 per cent.In all the three methods (conventional, GMS and CMS-R), significant standard heterosis and high per se performance with regard to seed cotton yield and its components was recorded by viz., G (B) 20 x G.Cot.10, G (B) 20 x DHY-286-1 and LRK-516 x DHY-286-1, in which the cross G(B) 20 x G.Cot.10 showed maximum value of standard heterosis for seed cotton yield per plant and manifested heterotic effects for its contributing characters like number of monopodia per plant, number of sympodia per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, and number of seeds per boll and seed index.However the magnitude of heterosis was comparatively higher in conventional crosses followed by GMS based crosses and CMS-R based crosses.Read More