Title: Polystable log Calabi-Yau varieties and Gravitational instantons
Abstract:Open Calabi-Yau manifolds and log Calabi-Yau varieties have been broadly studied over decades. Regarding them as "semistable" objects, we propose to consider their good proper subclass, which we regar...Open Calabi-Yau manifolds and log Calabi-Yau varieties have been broadly studied over decades. Regarding them as "semistable" objects, we propose to consider their good proper subclass, which we regard as certain poly-stable ones, morally corresponding to semistable with closed (minimal) orbits} as the classical analogue of GIT. We partially confirm that the new polystability seems equivalent to the existence of non-compact complete Ricci-flat Kahler metrics with small volume growths, notably many examples of gravitational instantons. Also, we prove some compactness or polystable reduction type results, partially motivated by bubbles of compact Ricci-flat metrics.Read More