Title: How do students promote mathematical argumentation through guide-redirecting warrant construction?
Abstract:Abstract Argumentation is a mathematical discourse that is currently widely studied by researchers as a stepping stone in constructing mathematical evidence. A variety of argumentation studies display...Abstract Argumentation is a mathematical discourse that is currently widely studied by researchers as a stepping stone in constructing mathematical evidence. A variety of argumentation studies display different formats and constructs ranging from Toulmin’s argumentation with a formal logic system to a general discourse that presents justifications and explanations for informal arguments with an inductive approach. It is based on the student’s difficulties in preparing a search warrant until later gave rise to the idea of reconstruction of the warrant and the importance of guide-redirecting warrant construction (GWC). The results showed that GWC could guide students in constructing statements and reasons or explanations towards the expected evidence. Students also realize that statements are related to reason and explanation in building whole arguments. Even so, the presentation of the statement is still aligned with the evidence submitted, so for reasons that display the axiomatic system, it still faces problems.Read More