Title: Northeastern Section of the AUA, 72nd Annual Meeting Abstracts (September 2020)
Abstract:S1702020 has brought about a complete sea of change in how we live, socialize, operate, interact with patients, and meet together for conferences, continuing professional development, and to catch up ...S1702020 has brought about a complete sea of change in how we live, socialize, operate, interact with patients, and meet together for conferences, continuing professional development, and to catch up with colleagues from across the world.We are still grappling with COVID-19, and we will be doing so for months (if not years).As a result, the in-person meeting of the Northeastern Section of the AUA was cancelled.Instead, the Northeastern Section will be holding a free virtual 72 nd Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 1 and Saturday, October 3. Please visit nsaua.org/annual to register and for additional meeting information.Drs. Rob Hamilton and Yonah Krakowsky are our 2020 Scientific Co-chairs, and they put together an amazing program for the in-person meeting.We can't host the entire meeting online, but please join us for two three-hour sessions that will be held outside clinical hours for a compressed scientific program that includes all the "best of" our original in-person program.And despite the pandemic (or perhaps because of it!),we had a record number of abstract submissions for the meeting this year.After rigorous peer-review, we are still publishing these abstracts in this issue of CUAJ to recognize the work, effort, and science put forth by our section members, residents, and fellows.Please note that the Section will be in Montreal for our meeting in 2021 and will return to Charlotte for our 2022 meeting.For those CUAJ readers who are not aware: the NSAUA is your section for much of Canada.Canadian urologists living in all provinces from Manitoba eastwards are automatically assigned to the NSAUA when you join the AUA.So until we can meet again in person, enjoy the 2020 Annual Meeting abstracts, and be sure to register at nsaua.Read More