Title: Investigation on Strength of Concrete with Mineral Admixtures
Abstract:Concrete is a most broadly and commonly utilized construction material right now and about six billion tonnes was produced each year and was next to the water production. However for the production of...Concrete is a most broadly and commonly utilized construction material right now and about six billion tonnes was produced each year and was next to the water production. However for the production of cement which is considered as a primary substance for the concrete production and this heavy production of cement can damage the atmosphere by releasing Carbon-di oxide. Therefore, the concept of green concrete is introduced to lessen the damage caused by the production of cement. In this work, investigation is made on properties of concrete when it is partially replaced with Ground granulated blast slag (GGBS) and Silica fume instead of cement. On account of its physical and chemical properties, it is more reactive pozzolanic substitute. Silica fume when added to concrete provides high strength and can be highly durable. The replacement levels of 30%, 50% and 70% of cement with GGBS and 5% of Silica fume is added onto the 50% of GGBS on concrete cubes of 150x150x150 mm size on M20 and M40 grades of concrete. The replacement level30% of cement with GGBS is considered to be the optimum replacement level.The curing periods for these cubes and cylinders were 7 days, 28 days and 56 days.Read More