Title: Belief in Just World as a Predictor of Psychological Problems Among Hermaphrodites in Pakistan
Abstract:This study examines belief in just world as a predictor of psychological problems among hermaphrodites in Pakistan. A total of 153 hermaphrodites (n = 132, junior members of community, n=21, senior me...This study examines belief in just world as a predictor of psychological problems among hermaphrodites in Pakistan. A total of 153 hermaphrodites (n = 132, junior members of community, n=21, senior members of community) were recruited through community-based organizations and referrals by snowball sampling technique. Personal BJW was measured by (Personal BJW Scale: developed by Dalbert and translated by Fatima & Khalid), general BJW by (Scales of Belief in Immanent and Ultimate Justice: developed by Maes and translated by Fatima & Suhail) and presence of feelings of depression, anxiety and stress by (DASS: Lovibond & Lovibond, translated by Aslam). Pearson correlation, step-wise regression was employed to analyze the relationship between Belief in Just World and psychological troubles. Significant results were found that high general Belief in Just World leads to increased risk of psychological problems and personal BJW decrease the level of depression, anxiety, and stress (psychological problems). The findings are helpful for therapeutic exercise as part of ongoing personal and general BJW growth they should be encouraged to readjust other aspects of lifespan as they see fit. Clinician can identify hermaphrodites’ problems and find out different ways that contribute to better adjusted in society and help them to use inner strength using personal and general BJW to come out of these psychological problems.Read More