Title: The Impact of Talent Management on Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction of Generation Y Management Trainees in the Selected Public Banks in Sri Lanka
Abstract:Development of talent pool is believed to be a source of competitive advantage in today's dynamic business organisations whereas the middle role of talent management has been emerging with the recogni...Development of talent pool is believed to be a source of competitive advantage in today's dynamic business organisations whereas the middle role of talent management has been emerging with the recognition of significance with its impact on desirable employee level outcomes. The present study aims to fill up the existing research gap by examining the impact of talent management on employee performance in the context of selected public banks in Sri Lanka specifying the generation Y management trainees. Also the study sheds light on the mediation role of job satisfaction with the talent management – employee performance link. Thus, the current study contributes to the literature in the field of talent management, employee performance and job satisfaction. The study was conducted on a sample of 180 generation Y management trainees opted randomly from a sample frame of public banks. The data was mainly analysed using the analytical software SPSS version 23 that provided more meaning and validated results. Further Hayes' PROCESS Macro v3.3 with SPSS was used to measure the mediation effect. The findings reveal that talent management has a significant positive impact over employee performance and job satisfaction. Also, it reveals a significant positive relationship between employee performance and job satisfaction. Importantly, job satisfaction has bridged the gap of talent management – employee performance link through mediation. According to the findings of the study, it is proposed that adopting talent management is worthwhile as it leads to build a satisfied young generation and improved performance at work.Read More