Title: Should the Glu Be Ten or Twenty? An Update on the Ongoing Debate on Gluten Safety Limits for Patients with Celiac Disease
Abstract:The only currently accepted and recommended treatment for individuals diagnosed with celiac disease (CD) is a strict life-long gluten-free diet (GFD). While the use of the GFD is well-established, str...The only currently accepted and recommended treatment for individuals diagnosed with celiac disease (CD) is a strict life-long gluten-free diet (GFD). While the use of the GFD is well-established, strict adherence to diet is not easy to accomplish. In addition, the administration of a GFD may be compromised by inadvertent exposure to small amounts of gluten. International guidelines define a gluten-free product as one containing less than 20 parts per million (ppm), (20 milligrams of gluten per 1 kg of food) gluten. A number of reports have assessed the safe upper limit for gluten exposure for patients with CD, with general consensus that patients with CD should limit their daily intake to less than 50 mg.Read More