Title: Magnetic Force Calculation between Magnets and Coils
Abstract:Applied magnetism has a wide range of applications in technology and industry. A significant magnetic force can be applied between two parts without any contact using coils and creating a magnetic fie...Applied magnetism has a wide range of applications in technology and industry. A significant magnetic force can be applied between two parts without any contact using coils and creating a magnetic field in the environment. It is also possible to strengthen the created magnetic force by placing different cores in the coil. The purpose of this research was to calculate the force between the coil and the coaxial magnet. In this system, a core with high permeability was considered for the coil. On the other hand, the distance between the coil and the magnet is such that when the coil is off, the effect between the coil and the magnet can be considered zero. The magnetic field produced by the magnet was also determined. Lorentzâs force and potential theory was used to calculate the magnetic field and force. Note that the magnetic force between the coil and the magnet was only in the direction of the coil axis.Read More